4 Reasons Why You Should Participate in a Marathon Once in Your Lifetime
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[Feature picture credits to The Straits Time]
People often associate marathons with long distance running up to 42km, and often believe marathons are only for those that are extremely fit. Well, it may not be. Even if you are a leisure runner, you may want to aspire towards completing a marathon due to the benefits it bring.
  1. For Physical and Mental Health
Running promotes a healthier body internally as it strengthens the bones and joints. Running also increases the aerobic capacity. Running is an aerobic endurance activity, as it trains the body to quickly deliver oxygen to the muscles when we run regularly. What is so important about having good aerobic capacity? Besides allowing you to run further and faster, it also means you can go about your daily tasks easily too. That means no more panting and feeling breathless just by walking from your house to the nearby bus stop! Did you know that poor aerobic capacity is only second to smoking as the highest risk for early death? You may think you are in the pink of health if you don’t smoke, but if you have poor aerobic capacity, you are only just slightly healthier than smokers, and your risk of dying early is second to smokers! This was found by a study which spanned 45 years in Sweden and published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. Running a marathon helps improve health and fitness even before you start running the marathon! You need to train for marathons by starting months before and adjusting your diet. Then, since running is so good, why can’t I just run? I don’t have to take part in a marathon to run right? Well, yes, this is where the mental aspect of running marathons come in!
We all know running marathons are extremely taxing and tiring on the body, and we don’t deny that. However, that is exactly what makes the experience of running a marathon so emotionally rewarding and even spiritual, some would say. Many who have taken part in marathons say the experience has changed them. Even just by running one marathon. We guarantee you will not be the same person you were at the starting line when you cross the finish line. Running a marathon is as mentally challenging as it is physically challenging, because you feel like giving up. The rest stations are nearby, you could drop out anytime you want to. Why should you continue running that remaining 25 kilometres? Especially if you are hurt or feeling unwell! However, it is only when you conquer the voices in your mind telling yourself to push on, you will learn the true meaning of grit and perseverance. After running this marathon, you will feel that nothing can stand in your way, nobody can tell you you won’t succeed, because you know as long as you have the determination to see things through, it itself is a success already. Just like how running marathons for leisure isn’t about the timing (unless you are out to beat your personal best), success in life can be as simple as completing the journey. You are successful in running marathons as long as you cross the finish line, as long as you complete it!
2. Be inspired
No matter which marathon you are running, you are bound to come across inspiring individuals. They could be disabled, they could be overweight, they could be elderly, but they are running in the marathon and they will complete it! They may even be in the midst of overcoming mental issues. Even if they end up not completing it, their fighting spirit and courage to try out something beyond their comfort zone is inspiring already. Here are some inspiring marathon runners out there, whom you probably will not meet, but are present in thousands of other inspiring individuals you will meet out there at marathons!
Taken from: Runnerclick
The above picture is that of Derek Mitchell, who is severely obese. It is not the result of an unhealthy and overindulgent lifestyle, but rather, an illness, prolactinoma. This illness caused a tumour to form on his pituitary gland, which affects the hormones and slows down his metabolism greatly, resulting in obesity amongst other problems. However, he has picked up running and has been running one 5 kilometres marathon every month, sometimes even increasing it to two or three per month! His obesity makes it harder for him to run, as that extra weight puts a lot of pressure on his joints and bones, and he gets breathless easier than other individuals, however, that did not stop him from picking up running as a way to cope with his illness and to get fitter!
Taken from: Busy Beta
This is an even more inspiring father-and-son pair! Since the 1970s, father Dick Hoyt has been bringing his son, Rick, along for marathons and triathlons. However, what makes them special is that Rick was born with cerebral palsy, meaning he cannot walk or talk. Despite all that, they have completed 1130 events, consisting of triathlons and marathons, to date! Rick felt that when he was being pushed along by his father during the events, it was as if he could run. Knowing that made his son happy, he kept signing up for more events even as he grew older. Dick Hoyt only stopped running marathons at age 74! They are such an inspiring pair that Team Hoyt, as they are popularly known as, have been featured on Inspiration Billboards across the United States from 2004 to 2012.
Looking at all these people, doesn’t it make you feel that you can run a marathon too? If the disabled can do it, so can you. If 74 year old Dick can do it while pushing his son in a wheelchair, so can you! They are all only ordinary people, just like you and me. The only thing stopping yourself is your mind, and running a marathon at least once is a chance for you to overcome that and prove yourself wrong.
3. Run for a good cause
Thirdly, you can run marathons for a good cause too! There have been an increasing number of such marathons, and while they used to be about running to raise funds in the past, they now include running to raise awareness about a trend or cause! For example, the Unlabelled Run in Singapore aims to tear off the labels that society has put on ex-offenders. It wants to recognise the contributions made by these ex-offenders after their release back into society. Runners run alongside ex-offenders and can interact and communicate with them, removing any past misconceptions they have of ex-offenders. This also encourages the re-integration of ex-offenders back into society and sends the message that one should not be ostracised or judged for a mistake made in the past. This run celebrates progress, success and achievement of these ex-offenders! Other of such marathons include the Light of Hope Run and Pink Ribbon Walk, which raises awareness of mental illnesses and breast cancer respectively. If you want to get fit and try something new while raising funds or awareness for a cause that resonates with you, such marathons are a good way for you to do it! Instead of just putting coins in donation tins, try this!
4. Simply because you can
Running a marathon is extremely gruelling and you could find support and a friend in a total stranger! Just by running alongside each other and pacing each other, you could make a new friend. Life is all about experiencing new things and meeting new people, which you could do at marathons. Also, if so many people can do it, why can’t you? You can! If you think you can always run a marathon next time, in future, 20 years down the road when you feel more prepared, don’t think that way! Time waits for no one and you should take the chance when you are healthy to run a marathon now. Nobody knows what will happen days down, much less 20 years. When you finally decide you want to run one, you may not have the health or energy to train for one anymore.
For all you guys who dislike running, or like running but just see no point in running marathons, you may want to plug yourself into a community of runners to feel motivated. At 42Race, we have up to 20 different virtual races for you to connect with runners around the world. These different races allow you to run for different causes, from fun run to charity runs, to running for endurance sake. Experience the freedom running brings and celebrate your runs with our virtual community. Download our app to experience the freedom now.
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