#DadMoment — celebrating the greatness of Fathers all over the world!
4 mins read
"My Dad is the Best! Despite not easy for him to bring up 8 children, he keeps his cool all these years with his sacrificial love and time for his children and grandchildren." - 42Race user Quek Jeannie
"Dad made friends everywhere. He was always looking for opportunities to do favours for others. “Never wait till you need something,” he often told me, “if you want people to help you offer to help them first.” I took his advice to heart." - 42Race user Deric Koh
"If there is such a thing as a good kind of pride, I experienced it in a moment with my first son Elijah that I’ll never forget. I cannot perfectly remember what happened at that moment, but it went something like this:
Elijah picked up one of his teddy bears (whose name is obviously Teddy), and, fumbling Teddy around as though the stuffed animal were trying to run away and escape his grasp, said sternly (in a high-pitched toddler voice): “No, Teddy! You go in timeout!” Then, in what I soon realized was the aftermath of the timeout, Elijah said in a stern voice and with a stern look on his face (and, again, in a high-pitched toddler voice): “Teddy, that was bad!” At first, it genuinely made me sad to see this, as my son was mimicking back to me only my sternness toward him.
But then… Elijah hugged Teddy with genuine affection, something I try always to do with him after explaining why he was in timeout and asking for an apology.
At that moment, I felt genuinely proud of myself and the job I had done as a Father. And my sadness and regret over my son mimicking my sternness to me went away, as he had shown me in his innocent and perfectly childlike way, that it was done in the context of my love for him. And more than that, I was happy that Elijah was aware of both my affection and my sternness, as they are both, in reality, two different expressions of my love for him." - 42Race user Shawn Yu
Ever the strict disciplinarian with a soft heart, honour your Father this season by dedicating a race to him!
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