Running – The Gift That Keeps On Giving
5 mins read
If you’re a running enthusiast, you’ve definitely reaped the many benefits of running. From improved cardiovascular health and endurance to enhanced joint strength, the list of benefits goes on and on. Joining the I MOVE ME Challenge has helped me shed some weight myself, but that’s beside the point. Each individual’s running story is unique and stems from a runner’s personal motivations. As we celebrate International Women’s Day, three inspiring runners share their experiences on how running really is the gift that keeps on giving.
Clara Goh – Clara’s story is inspired by the women in her life. These visionary ladies not only discovered her emerging potential but also guided her in honing her skills. Clara’s perseverance was tested towards the end of her secondary school life when her training progression had hit a plateau and she and she was contemplating giving up. Two role models intervened in her decisions. Clara’s coach presented her with the opportunity to train under Singapore’s national coach, Ms. Margaret Oh and when Clara declined, Clara’s mother advised her to face the challenges head-on. Till this day, Clara says that pushing forward was the best decision she’s made.
Serena Teoh – In Serena’s case, she had to make a difficult decision when confronted with a situation that she never thought would have occurred to anyone. Serena was training for a long-distance run in Switzerland and had accidentally dropped her last energy gel into a toilet bowl. There, she had two choices – to run with depleted energy and risk injuries or fish the energy gel out of the toilet bowl. Let’s just say that Serena is laser-focused on her goal!
Yen Chia – Yen Chia ran her first marathon solo – little did she know that she would pick up a running partner along the way. At the 37km mark, Yen Chia saw a runner struggling. Despite being complete strangers, Yen Chia motivated her and acted as her pacer to help her reach the finish line. Upon the completion of the race, the lady thanked Yen Chia for her support and encouragement and said that she would not have been able to complete her first full marathon without Yen Chia’s encouragement. Yen Chia brings the importance of camaraderie in this seemingly lonely sport. We hope you have enjoyed these inspirational and uplifting snippets from the lives of our strong, female athletes.
In celebration of International Women's Day, tag a woman in your life that inspires you and tell us why HERE.
Get started on your running journey today by joining the ASICS I MOVE ME Challenge HERE .
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